ABET Accreditation

The Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering program at the University of Arizona is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, abet.org.

Accreditation by ABET is an assurance that the program meets the quality standards of the profession for which it prepares graduates.

These standards include objectives and outcomes defined by the faculty with input from the department’s industrial advisory board and from alumni.

Program Educational Objectives

  • Objective 1: Career goals. Produce graduates who are effective engineers within biomedical-related professions in industry, government, academia or medicine.
  • Objective 2: Professional skills. Produce graduates who can develop and apply a broad and cross-disciplinary approach to problem-solving.
  • Objective 3: Socio-ethical skills. Produce graduates who can communicate effectively, function in teams, and have developed a sense of social and ethical responsibility.
  • Objective 4: Continuing education. Produce graduates who continue to develop technical knowledge, awareness and leadership skills that will allow them to address biomedical problems.

Visit the College of Engineering's ABET page for a full description of degree program objectives and student outcomes.

About ABET

ABET accredits college and university programs in applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.

ABET accreditation is the culmination of continuous self-assessment and improvement, and assures that ABET-accredited programs meet the needs of students and their chosen professions while preparing graduates to enter the professional world.

Value Assured

Accreditation criteria focus on what students experience and learn. ABET’s voluntary peer-review process is highly respected worldwide because it adds critical value to academic programs in the technical disciplines, where quality, precision and safety are of the utmost importance.

ABET has 2,200-plus experts from industry, academia and government who provide quality assurance by serving as program evaluators, commissioners, board members and advisors. ABET is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

Contact: Diana Wilson