Graduate Advising
BME graduate students immerse themselves in a multidisciplinary department at a top-tier research institution. Students and faculty alike are developing new methods in areas such as tissue engineering, biomedical imaging and nanomedicine.
University of Arizona graduate programs are administered through the UA Graduate College. For BME grad program requirements, policies and procedures, see the following pages on the UA Graduate College website. Additionally, below are links to helpful forms and manuals.
- Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Accelerated Master’s Program in Biomedical Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Engineering
Further information is available in the BME Graduate Handbook.
Academic Advisor

UA Forms
The University of Arizona Graduate College uses GradPath to process degree forms. Please complete and submit forms online through UAccess Student.
Grad Assistant Programs
For information on graduate research and teaching assistant and associate programs, see the UA Graduate College GA Manual.
Travel Instructions
The Old Engineering Business Center has prepared travel guidelines for BME graduate students.