BME Undergrad Studies Technical Optics Abroad with SUPER Program

Feb. 16, 2023

BME undergrad Hasina Shir was able to get important lab time in, and experience new culture, when the  Stuttgart University Program for Experiencing Research (SUPER) took her to Germany last summer. Shir was hosted by the Institute for Technical Optics in Stuttgart, Germany, where she worked on a project developing technology to detect disease outbreaks in medical settings.

In addition to familiarizing herself with the new project, Hasina also familiarized herself with the people and culture around her. 

“My project dealt with developing a system which used a combination of radiation pressure and laminar flow to sort particles (like bacteria and viruses) along a microfluidic chip," Shir said. "At the end of the microfluidic chip, I was to build an imaging system that would be able to see what the particle was. This was with the intent to be used as a proof of concept for a device to be used in hospitals at hand sanitizer stations. Hypothetically, the hand sanitizer stations would monitor the bacteria and viruses in the hospital when people placed their hands in it for sanitizer and recognize when a new onset of disease has increased in quantity."

 SUPER connects students to researchers in Architecture, Energy Technology, Process Engineering, Biological Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Production Engineering, Automotive Engineering, and Optical Science.

Read the full article here.