Sophomore's Research Gets Radio Spotlight

April 21, 2017

Radio station KXCI weekly Thesis Thursday program recently interviewed sophomore Swati Chandra about her internship at the Tissue Optics Lab.

Under the guidance of BME professor and BIO5 Institute interim director Jennifer Barton, Chandra uses optical coherence tomography to visualize tumors for additional study. The results of her data and image analysis ultimately will be used to further development of an endoscope capable of detecting ovarian cancer in its earliest stages.

A self-labeled nerd, Chandra said she hopes eventually to become a physician, and believes her background in biomedical engineering with help her "lend a unique perspective to the field."

Thesis Thursday is a partnership between KXCI and UA's Undergraduate Biology Research Program to feature student researchers' thesis or research projects while giving them an opportunity to share the music and interests that motivate them.