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Invest in the Success of Students, Faculty and Programs
Now more than ever, support from alumni, friends and corporate partners is critical for ensuring continued excellence in the UA Department of Biomedical Engineering. Generous contributions not only support student scholarships, but also they fund important programs and help the department attract and retain prominent faculty.
To make a donation to UA Biomedical Engineering, visit the UA Foundation’s giving page, or see the College of Engineering’s giving options.
Donation Highlight

Tulsi Memorial Scholarship helps students help students
Biomedical engineering undergrad Angel Hernandez, a first-generation Latino student with a passion for neuro-engineering, was able to focus more on his research and supporting his fellow students thanks to financial contributions from alumni.
"These financial awards have not only met my concerns of homelessness or lack of food, but they also gave me significantly more time to get involved in research and discover my second passion – assisting others and mentoring undergraduates like me who are underrepresented in STEM."