BME Grad Student Wins ARCS Scholarship

May 20, 2021

BME doctoral student Alex Burton has been selected for a 2021-22 ARCS Scholarship, which is granted to students in science, engineering and medical research. Burton is a member of the Gutruf Lab, and served as lead author on a study into how devices implanted in the brain can record individual neurons for a better understanding of brain functions. 

"As biomedical engineers, we are working with collaborators in neuroscience to improve tools to better understand the brain, specifically how these individual neurons – the building blocks of the brain – interact with each other while we move through the world around us," Burton said. 

ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Scholarship funding includes an $8,500 cash award from ARCS, a $2,000 cash award from the Graduate College, a $500 travel grant and more. ARCS Scholars have gone on to found more than 1,800 new companies and file over 3,600 patents.